Communication of ESG activities



The best campaigns are built around stories. To successfully communicate companies sustainability actions, one must tell its sustainability story in a way that can be heard by company leadership, investors, customers and all stakeholders. We must determine where and how a company can make the most impact. Sustainability is more than just making a donation. It is about making real contributions to your community and the world at large, even if no one is watching. However, we live in a world where the more attention something gets, the greater the impact it has. ESG is about bridging the gap between profit and purpose.



Corporate social responsibility (CSR) does more than just help members of our community. It helps to build trust in a brand and in some cases, change perceptions of who the company is and what they care about. Grow Maritime can help identify effective – CSR campaigns, such as charitable giving, or sponsoring major charitable events and initiatives., At Grow Maritime, we help companies determine where and how they can make the most impact, and then package that in a world driven by mass and social media to make it more newsworthy, shareable, and viral. Strategy and creativity to your CSR campaign will maximise its impact.